Undiagnosed ADHD in adults

Adults with ADHD who are unaware of it are at a considerably higher risk of major difficulties than the general population. When ADHD continues undiagnosed, mood disorders, excessive sorrow, and anxiety are common. Even if these disorders are treated, if the underlying problem is not addressed, it might lead to more issues.

Adults with undiagnosed ADHD are more likely to get fired from their employment, resign impulsively, or underachieve, gradually losing self-esteem, confidence, ambition, and joy in life. They frequently accept a life with less success and sparkle than it may have been if they had been diagnosed and treated earlier.

Adults with untreated ADHD are considerably more likely than the general population to engage in substance addiction and other compulsive negative habits. These issues usually lead to other issues, such as DUIs, the breakup of a marriage, criminality, and, in some circumstances, jail time.

The first link between emotional trauma and ADHD is that emotional trauma, whether experienced throughout infancy or even prior to birth, can occasionally result in a "mimic" of ADHD that isn't actually ADHD. In this scenario, a treatment for emotional trauma may be more appropriate than an ADHD medication (such as trauma-based cognitive behavioral therapy).

The second way they are linked is that some individuals possess both. People with ADHD are more likely to experience negative events. This is due to a variety of factors, including high impulsivity, altered or weakened social judgment, a desire for elusive peer approval, and an attraction to risky circumstances for the pleasure or excitement. According to research, having ADHD is linked to a higher risk of traumatic incidents.

The third cause for overlap is the most difficult to define. When confronted with a potentially risky circumstance, those with ADHD are more prone than others to perceive it as traumatic. This relates to the heightened sensitivity to experience that I mentioned before in relation to those with ADHD. Furthermore, some people with ADHD lack strong coping mechanisms, such as the capacity to repress and push out of mind distressing thoughts.

When all of this is considered, the bad news is that children and adults with ADHD are three times more likely to develop post-traumatic stress disorder than normal children and adults. The good news is that even then, only a small percentage of people will ever have this experience.

Message to take home

Consider whether something emotionally distressing or traumatic has happened or is continuing happening in your child's life if he or she has developed symptoms of ADHD. Have they been the target of internet bullying or physical threats? If the child or teen isn't comfortable discussing with a parent, some examination here may be appropriate and can be carried out by a professional clinician.

Consider whether your child needs additional coping support if they are not responding well to ADHD treatment or help, or if you know they have a tough history or a challenging ongoing circumstance like some of those outlined earlier (counseling or additional coping help). This could be done instead of or in addition to looking at things through the eyes of someone with ADHD.

If a person has had a traumatic past, societal fears such as the current epidemic can be activating, leading to worsened behavior or coping. This could signal that you need some extra short-term help or counseling. Many mental health providers are authorized to provide support remotely during this pandemic. Stay healthy by being compassionate to yourself and your children.