Smart people with ADHD

Pin it to Pinterest According to research, there is no link between ADHD and intellect. There is no evidence that there is a relationship between ADHD and intellect. Some people, however, continue to argue against this. ADHD can make it difficult for a person to function at job or in school.There is no evidence that there is a relationship between ADHD and intellect. Some people, however, continue to argue against this.

ADHD can make it difficult for a person to function at job or in school. This might make it difficult for them to execute certain daily tasks, leading to the misconception that people with ADHD have lower IQs.

A person with ADHD, on the other hand, may feel hyperfocus. This symptom is characterized by a person's obsession on anything that piques their attention. They may, for example, focus intensely on jobs that they enjoy. This may make individuals appear more capable in particular school or work situations, leading some people to believe they have a higher IQ.

Researchers revealed in one study that there is no link between ADHD and lower IQ. In reality, the research revealed that there is no link between IQ and ADHD.

Another study looked at the disparities in cognitive impairment between those with high IQs who had ADHD and those who did not. People with high IQs and ADHD were more likely to have poor cognitive functioning, according to the study.

However, because no other control groups were used in the study, the findings cannot be considered conclusive.

Another reason why many people assume there is a link between IQ and ADHD is because of the diagnostic procedure. ADHD is diagnosed by a psychologist or other healthcare professional after a long period of observation of possible symptoms.

There is no single test that can identify if someone has ADHD.

Because they are focused on their schoolwork, it may appear that the individual has a higher-than-average IQ based on this long-term observation. Similarly, individuals may appear to have a lower-than-average IQ because they struggle to concentrate on schoolwork.

Healthcare personnel may potentially make a mistake while diagnosing ADHD. Persons on the autism spectrum, people with specific learning difficulties, and people with bipolar disorder, for example, can all have symptoms that are comparable to those of ADHD.

Undiagnosed ADHD children may require more school support.


There is no single origin of ADHD, and scientists are still looking at a number of possibilities. However, the following are some of the possible reasons of ADHD:

  • neurological abnormalities that can be triggered by a person's immediate surroundings

  • genetics

  • exposure to toxic substances

  • damage to the head

  • birth before the due date

  • decreased activity in the areas of the brain that control attention and activity

  • nicotine or alcohol exposure while in the womb

There is no evidence that these factors contribute to ADHD:

  • vaccines

  • allergies

  • sugar consumption is excessive

  • eating additives in food