ADHD nutrition

There hasn't been a lot of research done on ADHD diets. There is a scarcity of data, and the outcomes are mixed. However, many health professionals believe that what you eat and drink might help alleviate symptoms.

Whatever is good for the brain is likely to be excellent for ADHD, according to experts. You might want to try:

  • A high-protein diet is recommended. Protein can be found in beans, cheese, eggs, meat, and nuts. These foods are great for breakfast and after-school snacks. It has the potential to boost concentration and extend the effectiveness of ADHD drugs.

  • Complex carbs are preferred. This is where the nice men are. Consume plenty of fruits and vegetables, such as oranges, tangerines, pears, grapefruit, apples, and kiwis. If you eat this type of meal in the evening, you could find it easier to sleep.

  • More omega-3 fatty acids are needed. Tuna, salmon, and other cold-water white fish contain them. Other foods that include them include walnuts, Brazil nuts, and olive and canola oils. You could also take a supplement containing omega-3 fatty acids. Vayarin, an omega molecule, has been approved by the FDA as part of an ADHD therapy approach.

Foods to Avoid If You Have ADHD

Carbohydrates that are simple. Reduce the amount of these you consume:

  • Candy

  • Corn syrup is a sweetener made from corn

  • Honey

  • Sugar

  • White flour-based products

  • rice that is white

  • Potatoes that have been stripped of their skins.

ADHD Nutritional Supplements

Some specialists advise that patients with ADHD take a daily vitamin and mineral supplement that is 100 percent pure. Others, however, believe that people who eat a healthy, balanced diet do not require vitamin or micronutrient supplements. There is no scientific evidence that vitamin or mineral supplements assist all youngsters with the illness, they claim.

When children, teens, and adults do not consume a balanced diet, a multivitamin may be beneficial, but mega-doses of vitamins can be harmful. They should be avoided.

The signs and symptoms of ADHD differ from person to person. If you're thinking about taking a supplement, talk to your doctor first.