ADHD symptoms in adult women

Women with ADHD

Women suffering from attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) frequently go undiagnosed. This diagnosis gap occurs in part because it is a condition that was previously thought to primarily affect men, but also because women have less obvious or socially disruptive symptoms than men.

This article discusses how ADHD symptoms differ in women and why they are frequently ignored. It also covers the ways that these symptoms might impact daily life.

How Women's Symptoms Differ

One of the reasons why ADHD in women and girls often goes undiagnosed is that their symptoms differ from those in men and boys. ADHD manifests itself in three ways: inattentive, hyperactive/impulsive, or a combination of the two.

Men and boys with hyperactive/impulsive ADHD are more likely to be fidgety, always on the go, disruptive, restless, talkative, impulsive, impatient, and have mood swings.

Women, on the other hand, have a proclivity for inattentive ADHD, which makes it difficult to focus, pay attention to details, stay organized, listen, and remember things.

When Life Overwhelms Women With ADHD

Women may find it difficult to conceal or manage ADHD due to responsibilities such as family and work. However, there are some things that women can do to cope with the demands of life.

Nadeau suggests informing family and friends about ADHD so that they can be more supportive and set realistic expectations. Wherever possible, women should also simplify: Reduce excessive stresses and responsibilities, and work out a plan with their family and partner to delegate the chores that are the most difficult for them.

Hiring a professional organizer or working with a coach to create effective organizational habits and methods may also be beneficial. Hiring an assistant for 6 to 8 hours a week to conduct light cleaning, go through paperwork, and help organize things is something Sarkis suggests.

"I've had people tell me it'll be too expensive, and it may be," Sarkis says, "but people with ADHD can't afford not to receive support."