ADHD symptoms

The most prevalent symptoms of ADHD are listed below. However, each youngster may have different symptoms. The following are the three types of ADHD symptoms:


For his age, he has a short attention span (difficulty sustaining attention)

Listening to others is difficult.

It's difficult to pay attention to details.

Distracted easily


For his age, he has poor organizing abilities.

For his age, he has poor study skills.


Interrupts others frequently.

In school and/or social games, he or she has difficulties waiting for his or her turn.

Instead of waiting to be called upon, he tends to spout responses.

Takes a lot of risks, and doesn't always think things through before acting.


He appears to be constantly moving; he runs or climbs, sometimes with no obvious objective other than to keep moving.

Even when it is expected, he or she has trouble staying in his or her seat.

When seated, fidgets or squirms with his or her hands; excessive fidgeting

He talks a lot.

Is unable to engage in peaceful activities.

Loses or forgets items on a regular basis.

Inability to stay on task; changes from one task to the next without completing any.

ADHD symptoms can be confused with those of other medical disorders or behavioral issues. Many of these symptoms can occur in children and teenagers who do not have ADHD. The symptoms must significantly limit adaptive functioning in both the home and the school setting to be diagnosed. Always seek a diagnosis from your child's doctor.