Predominantly inattentive ADHD

The following are the nine symptoms associated with ADHD's predominantly inattentive presentation: Has a hard time focusing on tasks at work, at home, or at play. At work or when completing other activities, he or she frequently fails to pay attention to details or makes careless blunders.One of the three forms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder that is mainly inattentive (ADHD-PI or ADHD-I) (ADHD). [4] There were no subgroups in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual from 1987 to 1994, therefore it was not recognized from hyperactive ADHD (DSM-III-R).

The 'predominantly inattentive subtype' is comparable to the other forms of ADHD, but it is characterized by problems with inattention or a chronic attention deficit, such as procrastination, indecision, and forgetfulness. It differs in that it has fewer or no normal hyperactivity or impulsiveness signs. Lethargy and weariness are common symptoms, however ADHD-PI is distinct from the suggested symptom cluster known as slow cognitive tempo (SCT).

The DSM-5 allows for a diagnosis of mainly inattentive ADHD (ICD-10 code F90.0) if an individual exhibits six or more (five for adults) of the following inattention symptoms for at least six months to a degree that is disruptive and unsuitable for developmental level:

In schoolwork, work, or other activities, he or she frequently fails to pay attention to details or makes careless mistakes.

Frequently struggles to focus on chores or play activities.

When spoken to directly, he frequently does not appear to listen.

Frequently disobeys directions and fails to complete schooling, chores, or workplace responsibilities (not due to oppositional behavior or failure to understand instructions).

Organizes activities poorly on a regular basis.

Avoids, hates, or refuses to accomplish things that require a lot of mental effort over a long period of time (such as schoolwork or homework).

Frequently misplaces items required for chores and activities (e.g. toys, school assignments, pencils, books, or tools).

Is easily distracted on a regular basis.

In regular activities, he is prone to forgetfulness.

The presence of impairment symptoms in two or more contexts is required for an ADHD diagnosis (e.g., at school or work and at home). A clinically substantial impairment in social, academic, or vocational functioning must also be present. Finally, the symptoms must not be limited to a pervasive developmental disorder, schizophrenia, or any psychotic condition, and they must not be better explained by another mental disorder (e.g., mood disorder, anxiety disorder, dissociative disorder, personality disorder).