ADHD combined type

When compared to someone who is diagnosed with either the mainly hyperactive or predominantly inattentive form of ADHD, having combination type ADHD does not inherently imply that your ADHD is more severe.

A person with a generally hyperactive-impulsive personality type, for example, may nonetheless exhibit certain symptoms from the inattentive symptom list. He or she would not, however, exhibit all five or six symptoms required for a combined ADHD diagnosis. When you're diagnosed with mixed type ADHD, your symptoms are more likely to be split evenly between the two types.

All kinds of ADHD are diagnosed the same manner. An experienced healthcare expert conducts a thorough examination. This doctor collects data from a range of sources, including an interview with you (or your child), your medical history, your family's medical history, and your school experiences.

Intellectual screening, memory testing, concentration and distraction tests, as well as an interview with your spouse, may all be part of the evaluation. If a child is being evaluated, the parent will very certainly be interviewed.

The clinician will assess if the DSM-5 criteria for ADHD have been met at the conclusion of the evaluation. If this is the case, an ADHD diagnosis can be made. An ADHD diagnosis will be made for you or your child. Inattentive, hyperactive-impulsive, or mixed ADHD will be present.

The DSM-5 lists 18 symptoms of ADHD, including nine inattention symptoms and nine hyperactivity-impulsivity symptoms. The following conditions must be met in order to be diagnosed with comorbid ADHD:

Up to the age of 16, children must have six or more symptoms of each category.

People must have five or more symptoms of each class if they are 17 or older.

The symptoms must have been present for at least six months before being considered.

Before the age of 12, some inattentive or hyperactive/impulsive signs must have been present (although not necessarily diagnosed).

Symptoms should be seen in a variety of settings, including school/work and home.

The symptoms must have an impact on the individual's capacity to perform to his or her full level.

Another mental disease, such as a mood disorder or anxiety disorder, should not offer a better explanation for the symptoms.