Organic mental disorder

An organic mental disorder is a term that was once used to denote a brain abnormality that was intended to exclude psychiatric disorders. It is presently classified as a type of neurocognitive dysfunction. It refers to a loss of brain function caused by disorders that aren't mental.

Organic mental disorder is sometimes used interchangeably with organic brain syndrome (OBS), chronic organic brain syndrome, or neurocognitive condition; however, the latter term is currently more widely used.


Organic mental illnesses are disturbances that can be produced by brain tissue injury or disease, as well as chemical or hormonal imbalances. These problems can also be caused by toxic elements, neurological dysfunction, or aberrant changes linked with age. Alcohol, as well as metabolic problems such liver, renal, or thyroid illness, as well as vitamin deficiencies, could be contributing causes.

Organic brain syndrome can be caused by concussions, blood clots, or bleeding in or around the brain as a result of trauma. Low blood oxygen levels, excessive carbon dioxide levels in the body, strokes, brain infections, and heart infections can all contribute to an organic mental disease. 3

Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, Huntington disease, and multiple sclerosis are among degenerative diseases that may have a role.


A person suffering from an organic mental disease may find it difficult to focus for long periods of time. Others may become perplexed while executing seemingly ordinary duties. Managing relationships, as well as cooperating and communicating with coworkers, friends, and family, may be challenging.

Overall, depending on the source of a person's disease, the severity and type of symptoms they experience vary.

Treatment and Diagnosis

To identify organic brain syndrome or an organic mental condition, blood tests, spinal taps, or an electroencephalogram may be used. Depending on the doctor's suspicions, brain imaging such as a CT scan or an MRI may be effective.

Treatments for organic mental disorders differ depending on the disorder's underlying cause. Medication or rehabilitation therapy may be administered to assist patients regain function in the brain areas impaired by the organic mental disease.


While some organic mental diseases are transient, others tend to worsen over time. Patients with disorders that do not respond to treatment may lose their capacity to function independently or communicate with others.

In brief, the likelihood of recovery or the prognosis of a person's disease is determined by a variety of elements, the most important of which is the source of the decreased brain function. While receiving a diagnosis of an organic mental condition (or neurocognitive disorder, as it is now known) can be terrifying, you are not alone, and there are many services to assist you or a loved one.