Rare mental disorders

Khyâl Cap (Khyâl Cap) (Khyâl Cap)

Khyâl cap, often known as "wind assaults," is a condition that affects Cambodians in both the United States and Cambodia. Common symptoms include dizziness, palpitations, shortness of breath, and cold extremities, as well as anxiety and autonomic arousal symptoms such as tinnitus and neck discomfort, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-V) These attacks target khyâl, a wind-like material that rises in the body and bloodstream, bringing a variety of catastrophic repercussions. They can strike without notice, and they frequently fit the profile of panic attacks. Cambodian migrants with posttraumatic stress disorder frequently report these attacks, according to a study published in Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry. It entails a significant fear of death as a result of bodily malfunction. Khyâl cap is an example of a cultural syndrome, which is a syndrome that tends to co-occur among people from a particular cultural group, community, or location.

Kufungisisa is the second word of the word Kufungisisa.

Kufungisisa, or "thinking too much," is another cultural syndrome in the DSM-5. It is found among Zimbabwe's Shona people.

"Thinking too much" is regarded harmful to the mind and body in many cultures, generating specific symptoms such as headaches and dizziness. Kufungisisa entails pondering on troubling thoughts, especially concerns. It is thought to be a cause of anxiety, depression, and physical disorders as a cultural expression (e.g., "my heart hurts because I think too much"). It's an idiom that denotes interpersonal and social problems.

"Thinking too much" is a distressing idiom that can be found in various regions and ethnic groups, including Africa, the Caribbean, and Latin America, as well as East Asian and Native American communities.

3. Lycanthropy in Clinical Practice

Clinical lycanthropy is characterized by the belief that the patient can shift into an animal. The name of the syndrome comes from the mythical condition of lycanthropy, or shapeshifting into wolves; the name of the syndrome comes from the mythical condition of lycanthropy, or shapeshifting into wolves. Clinical lycanthropy patients believe they have the ability to transform into any animal. Affected persons may act like the animal during this delusion or hallucination. People that act like wolves, for example, may be found in forests and wooded locations. Clinical lycanthropy is classified as a kind of delusional misidentification syndrome by the Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences.

Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder is a type of depersonalization disorder.

Depersonalization/derealization disorder is characterized by a sense of disconnection from oneself, one's environment, or both. Patients with this disease believe they are being watched from outside their bodies. They may also believe that things aren't as they seem, as if their surroundings are warped or time is moving faster or slower. Depersonalization/derealization disorder can be caused by one or both of these characteristics. To qualify for a diagnosis, symptoms must be persistent because, according to Psychology Today, it is typical to feel this way for a short period of time due to the side effects of medicine, recreational drugs, or another medical or mental health problem.

Diogenes Syndrome (n.d.)

The defining hallmark of Diogenes Syndrome, which affects mostly the elderly and is linked to advancing dementia, is compulsive hoarding of trash and seemingly random items. Extreme self-neglect, indifference, social detachment, and a lack of shame are among the other traits.

The syndrome is named after the Greek philosopher Diogenes of Sinope, which is a misnomer. Diogenes was a Cynic who, according to the philosophy he helped establish, eschewed the desire for wealth, power, and glory, preferring instead to live a life free of all possessions. He found meaning in destitution, slept in a huge pottery jar, and sought out social connection.

Stendhal Syndrome (n.d.)

When exposed to art, people with Stendhal syndrome feel physical and emotional distress, panic attacks, dissociative experiences, bewilderment, and hallucinations. According to Medscape, these symptoms are typically caused by "work that is viewed as particularly beautiful or when the individual is exposed to enormous quantities of art in a single setting," such as a museum or gallery. Individuals may, nevertheless, have similar sensitivities to natural beauty. This disease was named after a 19th-century French author who had similar symptoms while visiting Florence in 1817. Hyperculturemia or Florence syndrome are other names for Stendhal syndrome.


Apotemnophilia, also known as body integrity identity disorder, is defined as a "overwhelming desire to amputate healthy sections of [the] body." This illness is thought to be neurological, despite the fact that little is known about it. Those who are affected may try to amputate their own limbs or cause harm to the limb that necessitates surgical amputation. Apotemnophilia may be linked to damage to the brain's right parietal lobe. The disorder is difficult to treat since many people who suffer from it do not seek therapy. Once treatment is sought, both cognitive behavioral therapy and aversion therapies can be tried to treat apotemnophilia.

Alien Hand Syndrome (#8)

The feeling that one's hand has its own life and does not belong to oneself characterizes this syndrome. Alien hand syndrome patients experience normal sensations but believe their hand is autonomous. The unaffected hand is under the individual's control, whereas the diseased hand has its own agenda, according to those who suffer from alien hand syndrome. Individuals with injury to the corpus callosum, which links the two cerebral hemispheres of the brain, may develop this syndrome. Stroke and injury to the parietal lobe are two further possibilities. The hands appear to be in "intermanual conflict" or "ideomotor apraxia," which means they are acting in opposition to each other.

Capgras Syndrome (number 9)

Joseph Capgras, a French psychiatrist who studied the illusion of doubling, is the name given to this syndrome. Capgras syndrome patients have the erroneous idea that someone important in their lives has been replaced by an impostor, generally a spouse, close friend, or family member. It can happen to those who have schizophrenia, dementia, or epilepsy, as well as those who have had a catastrophic brain injury. Treatment methods are similar to those used for the underlying diseases, and antipsychotic medicines are frequently used.

The Alice in Wonderland Syndrome is number ten.

Alice in Wonderland syndrome (AIWS), also known as Todd syndrome, is a neurological disorder in which a person's perspective of their body, time, or space is altered. Hallucinations, sensory distortion, and an altered sensation of velocity are common symptoms of AIWS. Though there are numerous symptoms, the most common is a change in body image: Patients are perplexed by the size and shape of various body components. Panic and fear responses can be triggered by these signs. AIWS is a condition that can afflict children aged five to ten years old and is typically linked to headaches, brain tumors, or drug usage.