ADHD clinic
The ADHD Clinic's goal is to provide exceptional diagnosis and treatment of adult ADHD, as well as the greatest quality of care, information, and support for patients and their families, led by renowned Consultant Psychiatrist, Dr Sally Cubbin, a leading authority in the treatment of adult ADHD.
Dr. Sally Cubbin is a psychiatrist who specializes in treating adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Dr. Sally Cubbin is a Consultant Psychiatrist and one of the country's leading authorities on adult ADHD. Her goal is to serve our patients and their families with the highest degree of psychiatric treatment, as well as unmatched quality of care, continuing support, and information.
When possible, we will endeavour to offer video assessments or telephone follow-up for patients who find it difficult to travel to the clinic. We also want to present patients with information that is easy to understand, empathetic, and practical
Above all, we understand that mental health difficulties are deeply personal, terrifying at times, and sometimes life-changing. As a result, while our knowledge is rooted in cutting-edge mental treatment, our approach is ultimately sympathetic, compassionate, and concerned.
We provide face-to-face clinics in Oxford, Windsor, and Southampton, as well as video consultations available throughout the UK.