ADHD insomnia
To feel productive and well during the day, everyone requires 7-9 hours of sleep each night. People with ADHD, on the other hand, frequently have trouble falling or staying asleep. Your ADHD symptoms worsen as a result of your exhaustion, making it more difficult to sleep the next night. This cycle goes on and on.
ADHD Causes Sleep Deprivation in a Variety of Ways
There are additional problems if you have ADHD, in addition to the regular things that can impede anyone from obtaining a decent night's sleep. These are some of them:
Having difficulty sticking to a schedule. People with ADHD are easily distracted and have a difficult time stopping projects, tuning out interruptions, and going to bed. Even once you're in bed, it can be difficult to relax and quiet your mind enough to sleep.
Stimulants. Stimulant medicines, which are commonly used to treat ADHD, might make you feel more awake and make sleeping more difficult. This is in addition to any caffeine you may have ingested from coffee, tea, soda, or chocolate.
Other circumstances. Anxiety, melancholy, mood disorders, or substance misuse problems are common in people with ADHD, making falling and staying asleep difficult.
ADHD and Sleep Disorders
A lousy night's sleep isn't the only symptom of a sleep disorder. If you have one, it can rob you of sleep and make you more impulsive and distractible during the day. Because sleep issues are so widespread in persons with ADHD, specialists frequently examine for them when diagnosing the disorder.
What Can You Do?
Tell your doctor if you have ADHD and are having problems sleeping. You may need to adjust your meds to help you sleep better, or you may need to have a sleep study to check if there is another underlying cause for your insomnia.
If you've ruled out all other possibilities, it's possible that your ADHD symptoms are to blame. You might be able to enhance your sleep by following the healthy behaviors and routines listed below. You ought to:
hours before bedtime, avoid taking a nap.
Caffeine should not be consumed four hours before bedtime.
If you're on a stimulant medicine, start taking it as soon as feasible.
Establish a relaxing nighttime ritual.
Every day, go to bed about the same time.
Sleep in a dark, quiet room in a comfy bed.
In the evening, avoid staring at displays (TVs, smartphones, etc.) and electronic media.