Mental illness Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a dangerous mental illness in which patients have aberrant perceptions of reality. Schizophrenia can include hallucinations, delusions, and profoundly abnormal thought and behavior, which can make it difficult to function on a daily basis.

Schizophrenia patients need to be treated for the rest of their lives. Early treatment can assist to reduce symptoms and improve the long-term outlook by preventing significant consequences.


Schizophrenia is characterized by difficulties with thinking (cognition), acting (behavior), and feeling (emotions). Delusions, hallucinations, or confused speech are common signs and symptoms, and they indicate a reduced ability to perform. Among the signs and symptoms are:

Delusions. These are erroneous views that are not supported by evidence. For instance, you believe you are being harassed or hurt; particular gestures or statements are directed at you; you have special skill or fame; another person is in love with you; or a catastrophic disaster is imminent. Most patients with schizophrenia have delusions.

Hallucinations. Seeing or hearing things that don't exist is a common occurrence. The individual with schizophrenia, on the other hand, is subjected to the full force and effect of a typical experience. Hearing voices is the most common hallucination, however hallucinations can occur in every sense.

Thinking that is disorganized (speech). Chaotic speech can be used to infer disorganized thought. Communication can be hampered, and responses to queries may be partially or entirely unconnected. Rarely, speech may include the use of nonsensical words that are difficult to understand, a practice known as word salad.

Motor conduct that is extremely chaotic or aberrant. This can manifest itself in a variety of ways, ranging from childish silliness to erratic agitation. It's difficult to complete activities when behavior isn't focused on a goal. Resistance to directions, incorrect or strange posture, a complete lack of response, or unnecessary and excessive movement are all examples of behavior

Negative signs and symptoms. This is a term that describes a diminished or absent ability to function regularly. The person may, for example, ignore personal hygiene or appear emotionless (i.e., does not make eye contact, does not alter facial expressions, or speaks in a monotone). In addition, the person may lose interest in routine tasks, retreat socially, or be unable to enjoy pleasure.

The kind and degree of symptoms might change over time, with periods of worsening and remission. Some symptoms may be present at all times.

Schizophrenia symptoms often appear in men in their early to mid-twenties. Symptoms in women usually begin in their late twenties. Schizophrenia is uncommon in youngsters, and even more so in people over the age of 45.

Symptoms in Adolescents

The symptoms of schizophrenia in teenagers are comparable to those in adults, although the disease may be more difficult to diagnose. This could be due to the fact that several of the early signs of schizophrenia in teenagers are frequent during normal adolescent development, such as:

Friendships and relatives are being cut off.

A decline in academic performance

Sleeping problems

Irritability or a gloomy state of mind

Insufficient motivation

Additionally, recreational drug use, such as marijuana, methamphetamines, or LSD, can produce comparable signs and symptoms.

Teens, when compared to adult schizophrenia symptoms, may be:

Delusions are less likely to occur.

Visual hallucinations are more likely to occur.

When should you see a doctor?

People with schizophrenia are frequently unaware that their problems are caused by a mental illness that necessitates medical treatment. As a result, it's frequently up to family or friends to seek them help.

Assisting someone who may be suffering from schizophrenia

If you suspect a friend or family member is suffering from schizophrenia, speak with him or her about your worries. You can't make someone seek professional treatment, but you can offer encouragement and support, as well as assist your loved one in finding a skilled medical or mental health expert.

If your loved one is a threat to himself or others or is unable to provide for himself or herself, you may need to contact 911 or other emergency responders for assistance so that your loved one can be assessed by a mental health specialist.

Emergency hospitalization may be required in some instances. Involuntary commitment for mental health treatment is regulated differently in each state. For more information, contact your local community mental health agencies or police departments.