The Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) organization was created in 1987 in response to the frustration and loneliness that parents and their children with ADHD felt. There were few places to turn for help or information at the time. Many people have a serious misunderstanding of ADHD.

The Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) organization was founded in 1987 in response to the frustration and isolation that parents and their children with ADHD felt. There were few places to turn for help or information at the time. Many people have a serious misunderstanding of ADHD. Many clinicians and educators were unfamiliar with ADHD, and people with the disorder were frequently mislabeled as "behavioral problems," "unmotivated," or "not intelligent enough."

ADHD is a treatable but potentially serious disorder that affects up to 9% of all children and 4% of adults, according to medical and legal guidelines.

Adults with ADHD may be eligible for accommodations in the workplace under the Americans with Disabilities Act, and children with ADHD may be eligible for special education services or accommodations within the regular classroom when needed. CHADD is a success story that was born out of the desire of many parents to see their children with ADHD flourish. The organization expanded from a single parent support group in Florida to become the leading non-profit national organization for children and adults with ADHD.

The organization's day-to-day responsibilities are managed by a small national staff, while its Board of Directors establishes policies and oversees the organization's well-being. CHADD chapters are made up of committed volunteers from all across the country who contribute to the organization's success by giving support, education, and encouragement to parents, educators, and professionals on a local level. CHADD has maintained its founders' passion and devotion as it has grown in membership and recognition.